Q: Can I buy your original artwork?
A: Not sure why you'd want to since any 3 three year old can replicate them... but sure. Contact me and we'll work something out.

Q: What do you use to create your drawings?
A: I use Prismacolor brand colored pencils... I was lucky enough to have a friend buy me a set for Christmas a while back.

Q: You mentioned that you want to post once a week...  WTF, i was looking for more good masturbation stories and you've only posted twice since then.
A: First off, that was my only masturbation story... no more will be forthcoming. When I said that I would be posting once a week, I didn't think about school, work, and all of my other responsibilities. And I didn't realize how long these things would take to put together.

Q: Are these stories true?
A: Any story including me will be true at the core, with maybe a few embellishments for humor's sake. Any story involving zombies, were-monkeys, talking tattoos are strictly fiction... if anyone has and or is a were-monkey please come bite me, what an adventure that would be!

Q: How do I become as awesome as  you?
A: Lots of hallucinogens in your teens.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering, you said you got the prisma colors from a friend as a present. Would that have been the same friend whose $700.00 grill you destroyed ??
